Leila Sullivan

Massage Therapist

Meet Leila, a passionate holistic wellness practitioner dedicated to helping you find harmony and healing through the power of touch, energy, and sound.
With a deep-rooted love for holistic healing, Leila combines her expertise and training in nearly thirty massage modalities, along with being an Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner, to tailor each session to your unique needs.

Ortho-Bionomy® is a modality within the healing arts that is a neurological and structural based work that enables the body to self-correct without pain or force. It originates from osteopathy, and includes working with the structure, lymph, fluids neurology, organs, and the endocrine system. The key element is its ability to
access the nervous system, engaging the body’s brilliance and capacity to understand its own condition thus allowing self-correction to shift the body.

In addition to massage therapy, Leila is a skilled energy healer. Guiding you towards balance and alignment on a spiritual, physical, and emotional level. By channeling divine universal energy she facilitates a deep sense of relaxation, inner peace, and rejuvenation.

🎶 But that’s not all – Leila also incorporates the transformative power of sound therapy into her practice. Using sounds and vibrations, she helps you enter a state of deep relaxation where healing and restoration can take place on a profound level.

🌸 Whether you’re seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional stress, or simply looking to enhance your overall sense of well-being. Leila offers a nurturing space for you to unwind, recharge, heal and reconnect with your inner self.

🌟 Step into a world of holistic healing with Leila and experience the transformative magic of body work, energy work, and sound therapy. Ignite wellness. Ignite balance. Ignite the spark that is you.

Leila Portrait