Tina Mason

Tina is a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Author, Podcaster, Emotional Trauma Intuitive and Co-Owner/Co-Founder of Free Will Healing. She is the author of the life changing book, “Becoming an Oracle Proof God Has a Sense of Humor”, as well as the creator and co-host of two popular podcasts, The Oracle and The Warrior” and Who said You Have To?”

It is Tina’s desire for every human to have the choice to live a life of peace, love, and joy which is the absence of fear. This inspired her to partner with Laura Schmitt and create Free Will Healing, a space where every human can choose to heal emotionally, spiritually and physically.

It is Tina’s goal to bring awareness to all individuals that they have the potential to heal THEMSELVES and live the life they choose, with no fear and no judgement.

Tina Portrait
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